“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”

-Sun Tzu

Non Violent Resistance

NVR stands for Non Violent Resistance, an approach used by parents and carers of children and young people displaying violent, challenging, risk taking, self-harming and anxiety based behaviours. By taking a new approach to interactions, parents are able to influence the outcome, reduce the frequency and length of challenging situations and reconnect with their child. NVR is used in a variety of contexts including SEND, adoption, SGO, foster families and schools. NVR does not require the direct engagement of children and young people. Our practitioners work with parents to empower them to become the parent they would like to be, to regain their voice, and find a new approach to resisting their child’s concerning behaviours.

Continual Professional Development

NVR Psychology offer a range of professional and corporate events. The team have adapted the NVR strategies based on psychological approaches to emotion regulation for professional development and emotional well being to improve relationship management and conflict handling, building resilience, and overall team building. Our Practitioners have delivered talks for partner agencies such as The London School of Childcare Studies and NVR Northampton.

A flexible approach

NVR Psychology offers a compassionate, practical and innovative approach to support parents and caregivers manage concerning and challenging behaviours. We have a combined 13 years experience of providing NVR to families with challenges such as violent, aggressive and controlling behaviour, self harm, anxiety, school refusal, Autism, ADHD, Learning Disability, PDA, OCD, Selective Mutism, and Early Childhood Trauma. Our team offer an adaptive, flexible service across the UK providing online, evening and weekend appointments. Face to face appointments are available depending on location.

Let our parents tell you how NVR impacted their family lives, in their own words…

Our rates

Initial Consultation

Online initial consultation to help us understand the challenges within your family and discover how NVR Psychology can support you to become the parent you would like to be.

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Individual Sessions

One to One sessions with an accredited NVR Practitioner online. Your Practitioner will work with you to personalise Non Violent Resistance techniques to your individual circumstances within a private environment to allow for deeper reflection and open discussion.

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Group Sessions

10 weekly sessions online with 2 accredited NVR Practitioners. An opportunity to meet with other parents, learn together and benefit from rich discussions, with the opportunity to build a supportive network.   Get started

Monthly online group facilitated by our accredited NVR Practitioners offering ongoing support following the completion of NVR (open to individual and group based clients) A session where you can refresh your knowledge, meet with like-minded NVR parents and recharge your NVR battery.

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NVR Champions


NVR Psychology have implemented the successful use of NVR theory within a wide range of environments where children and young people may display challenging behaviours including schools, preschools and youth work. We can adapt our delivery of these sessions and personalise techniques to suit your organisational needs.

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Our team are able to deliver presentations covering a range of topics and new visions of NVR including but not limited to: Introduction to NVR within Youth Work / Schools, NVR within Psychology, NVR from Parent to Practitioner, NVR for Young People with Additional Needs. Please contact the team to discuss alternative presentations available.

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Bespoke NVR Group Packages

NVR groups delivered for individual services. Our accredited NVR Practitioners will deliver an NVR group package to suit your service. Please contact the team to discuss requirements.

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Contact NVR Psychology, today.